Castles & Palaces
Churches, monasteries, chapels
Castles & Palaces in the Neckar Valley
Experience history & the romance of castles
A castle on almost every rock
No other landscape in the whole of Germany can boast such a density of castles, castle ruins and palaces as the Neckar Valley.
The quartet of the ‘Romantic Four’ - the four-castle town of Neckarsteinach, Eberbach, Neckargemünd and Hirschhorn - epitomises the romance of half-timbered houses and castles like few other places in the Neckar Valley. The castles in Heidelberg and Mannheim tell of the history of the residence of the princes in the Electoral Palatinate. Heidelberg in particular epitomises Romanticism.
Magnificent castles & cosy chapels
The historic towns on the banks of the Neckar are strung together like pearls on a necklace. The residential and university town of Tübingen with Hohentübingen Palace, Stuttgart with its picturesque palaces and Ludwigsburg Residential Palace with one of the largest baroque palace complexes in Germany.
On the hills around the Neckar valley, numerous chapels such as the Grabkapelle on Württemberg near Stuttgart and the Wurmlinger Kapelle near Tübingen delight the eye of the beholder. The Neckar valley north of Heilbronn is lined with castles. There are particularly many between Eberbach and Heidelberg, with one perched on almost every rock. Highlights include Hornberg Castle and the four-castle town of Neckarsteinach.