St. Laurent's Parish Church
For more than 500 years now St. Laurent's parish church in Nürtingen has graced the Schlossberg hill. The present church is actually the third sacred building on this site. The dimensions of today's structure date from the end of the 15th century. The parish church is home to an important cultural heritage: the tower library.
A staircase with 189 steps leads to the outside gallery of the tower, at a height of 36 metres. Here, where formerly the tower watchman performed his duties, time seems to stand still. Thanks to a citizens' initiative, the honorary watchmen unlock the church tower on the second Sunday of each month, allowing visitors to enjoy, from a dizzy height, the magnificent panoramic views over the town and the countryside between the Swabian Alb and the Neckar Valley. The former watchman's apartment contains a small exhibition on how the tower watchmen lived.
Kirchstraße 6
72622 Nürtingen