Rottweiler Fasnet
When you hear the name Rottweil, you usually think of the Rottweiler Fasnet. It characterises the large district town on the Upper Neckar every year on the two days before Ash Wednesday and makes it the capital of the Swabian-Alemannic fool province for this period, so to speak.
Thousands of spectators await the ringing of the bell on Fasnetsmontag and Fasnetsdienstag at 8.00 am and on Tuesday at 2.00 pm to herald the start of the big parades, the Narrensprünge. Behind the riders with the imperial city standard, the town band in historical costume and the 'Narrensamen', the fullness of the Rottweiler fools emerge from the Black Gate and parade through the Rottweiler crossroads for over three and a half hours until the Narrensprung disperses on Friedrichsplatz.
Further information: Rottweil Fools' Guild
Hauptstrasse 21
78628 Rottweil