Protestant Seminary
Here, the "triumvirate" Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling and Friedrich Hölderlin burned for the ideas of the French Revolution and thus violated the strict rules of the training school for Protestant theologians not only once. But they and many others wrote European intellectual history here, especially in the 18th and 19th centuries.
The building of the Protestant Seminary still reveals its former use as a monastery in the city. The Augustinian Hermits, who settled in Tübingen from 1262, inhabited the four-winged complex on the banks of the Neckar, which was renovated from 1462 to 1513. The late Gothic chancel of the former monastery church, today the collegiate chapel, can be seen from the forecourt above the fountain and the wall. The inner courtyard still shows the cloister. In 1497/98, the spiritual father of Martin Luther, Johannes Staupitz, worked here.
With the introduction of the Reformation in Württemberg in 1534/35, the monasteries were dissolved. Duke Ulrich established a scholarship - a "Stift" - for the training of Protestant theologians in 1536 as part of the reorganization of the church and school system. Numerous former monasteries in the state were transformed into boarding schools similar to Protestant monastery schools, where gifted state children enjoyed preparation for the study of theology in Tübingen after passing the "state exam." The apex of the education was the Tübingen Stift, where the monastery school graduates received another nine-semester scholarship with tuition, room and board. The great names of the Stift: Johannes Kepler, Gustav Schwab, Eduard Mörike, Georg Herwegh, David Friedrich Strauß and the "triumvirate" Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling and Friedrich Hölderlin. Hardly any of them became famous as theologians. While for centuries the scholarship was reserved for male students only, since 1969 women have also been admitted to today's House of Studies of the Württemberg Evangelical Regional Church. They now make up the majority of the 170 students.
The outer and inner courtyards (former cloister), the large staircase in the north wing up to the second floor and there the altane with the plaques of the famous abbey heads are accessible to visitors.
Evangelisches Stift
Klosterberg 2
72070 Tübingen