Götzenturm (Götz tower)
This tower is thought to have been built in 1392 from stones from the former Klingenberg Castle.
It was known as the "Square Tower" until it was renamed the "Götzenturm" in the 19th Century, as Goethe's hero in his play, "Götz von Berlichingen" dies in front of a tower. The famous knight was imprisoned for three and a half years
(1519-1522) and spent a night in the Bollwerksturm tower in Heilbronn, which was linked to the Götzenturm by the city wall. In 1985 a silhouetted figure was installed, balanced at the top of the Götzenturm. The sculpture, "Über dem Abgrund" ('Above the Precipice') was made by Berlin artist, Hubertus von der Goltz.
Allerheiligenstraße 8
74072 Heilbronn
Kaiserstraße 17
74072 Heilbronn