Gewerbe- und Handelsverein Rottweil e.V.
The Gewerbe- und Handelsverein Rottweil e.V. association was founded in 1859 and celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2009. A figure we look back on with pride. However, not only our tradition but also the sustainable future of Rottweil's retail trade is close to our hearts, which is why the following goals and tasks are at the centre of our efforts:
- Maintaining constant contact with Rottweil town council and professional organisations in order to present and represent the concerns of tradespeople and the liberal professions in good time
- Present the range of services offered by members to the public through advertising and public relations work
- support members in their professional and general further training by organising lecture events
- contribute to strengthening the self-employed middle class by participating in local and supra-local organisations.
Over the years, we have promoted the interests of tradespeople in Rottweil with numerous events and campaigns, such as the "100 % Rottweil" exhibition, Rottweiler Eseltage in conjunction with Sunday shopping, the Christmas market, Long Shopping Night, Easter campaigns, the opening of the test tower, etc., thus making an important contribution to city marketing and promoting the economy in our city. Thanks to the establishment of our office, we always have a contact person for all matters concerning our members.
For further information or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Gewerbe- und Handelsverein Rottweil e.V.
Hohlengrabengasse 9
78628 Rottweil