Bürgeramt (Stadt Villingen-Schwenningen)
needs of the population of Villingen-Schwenningen. Due to its very diverse and responsible areas of responsibility, it is one of the city administration's most public-facing departments.
In addition to its original responsibilities, it is often the first point of contact for new citizens, but above all it is often the first point of contact for requests, suggestions and, of course, criticism from citizens to the administration.
If they live in Villingen-Schwenningen permanently, people have to deal with the Citizens' Registration Office for most of their lives: From birth certificates to youth protection, issuing identity cards or passports, marriages, participating in road traffic, practising numerous professions, organising major events of all kinds, averting dangers for the protection of individuals or the general public, processing matters relating to foreigners, providing assistance and rescuing people or property, applying for a pension, through to burials - the Citizens' Office is usually responsible for all of these things, or at least in some areas.
Bürgeramt (Stadt Villingen-Schwenningen)
Josefsgasse 12
78050 Villingen-Schwenningen