Aussichtspunkt Oberensinger Höhe
72622 Nürtingen
The viewpoint is located on the "In Hölderlin's Landscape" hiking trail and on literary cycle path number 8 right next to the Domnick Collection.
The Albtrauf stretches as a blue ribbon along the horizon. The view from the Oberensinger Höhe has inspired great poets such as Friedrich Hölderlin and Eduard Mörike. It is no coincidence that the literary cycle and hiking trails run along here. Anyone out and about here will quickly recognize what the "blue wall" from Mörike's "Stuttgarter Hutzelmännlein" is all about.
Next door, the Domnick Collection displays great art and an equally artistic ensemble of house and sculpture garden.
The viewpoint is located on the "In Hölderlin's Landscape" hiking trail and on literary cycle path number 8 right next to the Domnick Collection.
72622 Nürtingen
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